Absolutely! In order to get your sandbox account up and running we'll need the following information:
1. What is the name of the organization that we should use on WorkHands? Please choose something apprentices and supervisors will recognize.
2. Please provide a logo for the organization to help apprentices and supervisors recognize your organization. We can adjust the logo to our needs; however, square images larger than 300x300 are preferred.
3. Please provide a list of administrators / coordinators names and emails that will have super admin access over the apprenticeship program.
4. Please provide a list of occupations, their work processes, and required hours. You can provide this list in whatever format is easiest. Typically, we're looking for an Appendix A, work process schedule, schedule of work, etc.
Please send as much of this as you have to support@workhands.us, and we'll take it from there!
NOTE: If you convert to a paying account, we'll simply convert this demo and ask for the next several items, here.
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