Messaging apprentices
Managing my apprentices
- How do I check and/or update an apprentice's email?
- Which of my apprentices are late submitting OJT?
- I need to transfer my apprentice to someone else.
- One of my apprentices completed. How do I update them?
- I want to view an apprentice but not approve OJT. Can I?
- How to add someone as a non-primary supervisor to an apprentice?
Supervisor Reports
Approving OJT
- How can I view the history of a timecard/evaluation?
- I can't seem to find the hours I need to approve. Help?
- Can I enter and submit an apprentice's hours for them?
- How do I add a missing time card to an apprentice?
- How do I approve OJT hours?
- How do I reject OJT hours? And what happens when I do?