These are the most common roles/people utilized by all programs:
Administrators have the most robust access on WorkHands. Admins are the only role with the ability to:
- Add/Delete People
- Add/Edit/Delete Organizations
- Add/Edit/Delete Employers
- Add/Edit/Delete Schools
- Add/Edit/Delete Occupations
- Edit the Start/End Date for Apprentices
- Provide previous credit for Apprentices
- Update Program-wide Settings
- Full access to All reports
Additionally, Administrator roles can oversee a single account or a consortium account. If you are the Administrator of a Consortium, you have access to your account as well as the ability to:
- Add/Delete Sponsor Accounts
- Temporarily access Sponsor Accounts with Full Administrator access
You are also a point of contact between WorkHands and your account.
Supervisor roles are usually assigned to an employer, and they can only view apprentices from their employer.
Supervisors are assigned to Apprentices, though there can be more than one Supervisor per Apprentice. However, each Apprentice must have a Primary Supervisor.
Below are the ways that Supervisors can be utilized on WorkHands:
- Primary Supervisor - They are the Supervisor who can approve Time Cards and/or Evaluations. Each Apprentice must have at least one of these, though a Supervisor can be Primary for more than one Apprentice.
- Assigned Non-Primary Supervisor - This Supervisor is assigned to an Apprentice, who already has a Primary. They can approve Time Cards and/or Evaluations, but will not be the default in the system, so will not be receiving notifications in regards to these.
- Unassigned Supervisor - this is a supervisors who is assigned to an apprentice but can only view, not approve time cards or evaluations. Some programs use this role when there is someone who needs to oversee the apprentices but are not actively involved in their day to day management.
- Employer Contact - this is a supervisor role who is also the main point of contact from the employer. This role will have access to the employer dashboard allowing them to manage all supervisors and apprentices for the employer, send announcements, create notes, and access reports.
Apprentices have access to viewing their specific information, such as, evaluations, courses, reports and announcements. If their program has time cards, which are set to be submitted by apprentices, then they will be able to add/edit these before submitting to their supervisor for approval. They are not able to edit program details or their apprenticeship start/end dates.
The following are less commonly utilized roles/people which can be assigned:
This role deals mainly with the RSI or courses for an apprenticeship program. They can view apprentices and courses, as well as evaluations if the program is competency or hybrid based. They also have the ability to track attendance and grades within the courses.
Trainee roles function very similarly to apprentices except are only dealing with on-the-job training (OJT) and work processes. They do not have related instruction or courses.
Student roles function similarly to apprentices except they are only dealing with courses or related instruction. They do not have access to work processes or on-the-job training (OJT).
Committee roles are limited, with view-only access. They can view occupations and the apprentices associated with their committee.
While functioning similarly to apprentices, pre-apprentice roles are associated with pre-apprentice occupations only.
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